Out Now!
In GOBSMACKED! The Podcasts: Ordinary People With Extraordinary Stories, Catherine weaves her own gobsmacking moments into a tapestry of stories, featuring the 13 remarkable guests who graced the inaugural year of the Gobsmacked! Podcast.
These are not celebrities or high-profile figures; they are ordinary people with extraordinary tales to tell. From navigating the treacherous waters of terrorism and counterterrorism to gangland revenge killings, from heroic endeavours to the sheer determination to live against all odds, these guests share their experiences and the wisdom they’ve mined from the darkest corners of their lives.
As Catherine’s podcast unfolds, we follow her on a journey to discover whether, by grabbing the gauntlet and taking more risks, she fulfilled this audacious prediction.
This book is a compelling exploration of the human spirit, resilience, and the profound connections that can be forged through sharing our vulnerabilities and stories.

positively … disturbing
During the last two decades, I have changed practically every aspect of my life. Corporate director to self-employed, retraining and launching a successful new career as an executive coach, whilst as a single parent juggling the demands of a family with my own ambitions for personal happiness.
I have been coached throughout this process and it has been the defining aspect that catapulted me forward at times when I became stuck, alternatively slowed me down when in my mania for distraction I was spinning a million plates.
What being coached has taught me is there is no replacement for getting out there and ‘feeling the fear’. Nothing of worth I have achieved over these previous years has come from taking the easy or comfy option or trying to circumvent the tough bits.
The humility, humour and acquired wisdom of this journey are what I bring to my clients. Sometimes they are executives who live in the constant fear of being tapped on the shoulder and exposed ‘as a fraud’ other times leaders who want to spend more time with their partners, not their PC!


dragon slayer
I am a Coach known to be prepared to ‘slay dragons with compassion’. My clients have experienced considerable personal growth, improved self-esteem and personal effectiveness because I come from a place of integrity and therefore the courage to challenge. Combined with an understanding that embarking on the path of change can be frightening, disorientating and most importantly exhilarating.
I have had my fair share of media exposure. Done my bit on GMTV and The Simon Mayo show. I have been featured in the likes of SHE, Psychologies magazine, The Times and The Daily Mail. I am also a regular columnist and professional speaker.
I have recently been National President of the Association of Speakers Clubs.

executive coaching
‘Getting out of Your Own Way.’
Are you revered by your colleagues? In control of your career? Blissing out with your soul mate? Doing the dream job that makes a real difference? Living off the royalties from the bestselling book you got round to write? Oh yes, and emerging from the gym twice a week fit and well? If it were that simple, you would not need Coaches like me. So what stops us from being, doing and having it all? And why don’t we spend more time with our partners and less with our PCs?
Because … we don’t have a big enough WHY.
And most of us “lead lives of quiet desperation” (Thoreau)
Well not after this Executive Coaching programme, you won’t! A typical programme lasts for six months, meeting once a month for two hours. At the beginning, we meet to set objectives, preferably with the line manager. Then after the third and final session, there is a review of progress in conjunction with the line manager. This is in order for integration of any new behaviour to take place and to obtain feedback. Embedding new behaviours and ways of thinking requires fresh insight coupled with the repetition of new habits. Included in a typical Executive Coaching Programme:
• Preparation for coaching programme based on structured client self-assessment, including motivational strategy, skills and resources.
• Personality profiling assessment
• Strengths evaluation using Strengths Finder a tool developed by Marcus Buckingham
• Assessment of self-defeating beliefs derived from the work of Carl Yung
• Development of personal brand statement
• Value elicitation and life purpose exploration
• Preparation for each session by the coach.
• Unlimited e-mail and telephone access, if issues and questions arise between sessions.
I am also available for professional speaking engagements.

• BSc Hons Kings College London
• Certificate in Person Centred Counselling Mid Warwickshire
• Certificate in Transactional Analysis One Year Berne Institute
• NLP Practitioner Sensory Systems
• Executive College of Coaching
• Peter Haddon Top Achievers BSI accredited Coaching programme
• Lift Int Coaching accreditation
• Certified. Goal mapping practitioner Lift Int
• McQuaig Levels 1 and 2
• Certificate in Journalism Warwick University
• Author of Gobstopper
• (Former) National President of the Association of Speakers Clubs
• Non-Executive Director for the Charity Cherished UK
• Woman of Achievement Winner 2023
(LadiesFirst Professional Development)